Expert Commercial Chimney Services Across Long Island, NYC, Westchester, and Putnam

Optimize Safety and Efficiency with Certified Chimney

Advanced Safety Tests

In-depth video scans and smoke tests to ensure your chimney meets all safety standards.

Efficiency Improvements

Recommendations on products and services to enhance your chimney's efficiency and sustainability.

Cost-Saving Solutions

Strategies like oil to gas conversions to reduce long-term costs and improve environmental impact.

Comprehensive Commercial Chimney Solutions

Our commercial chimney services are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business, ensuring your building’s chimney system operates at peak safety and efficiency. With over 30 years in the industry, Certified Chimney specializes in maintenance, repairs, and enhancements specifically designed for commercial properties. We employ innovative, in-depth tests, including video scans and smoke tests, to precisely assess the condition of your chimney and recommend the most effective improvements.

From installing commercial chimney liners that conform to any shape or size, to facilitating oil to gas conversions, our team works closely with your company to ensure compliance with all safety codes and regulations. Trust us to deliver solutions that not only save you money but also enhance the safety and sustainability of your chimney system.

Why Invest in Professional Commercial Chimney Services?

Professional chimney services for commercial buildings are essential for maintaining a safe, efficient, and regulatory-compliant operation. Our expert team offers:

  • State-of-the-art diagnostic tests for accurate safety assessments.
  • Customized solutions for efficiency and structural integrity..
  • Environmentally friendly options like gas conversions with significant ROI.

Ready for the Certified Touch?

Contact Us Today for a Safer, Cleaner Chimney

Choose Certified Chimney for Unmatched Expertise

Certified Chimney stands out as your ideal partner for commercial chimney services in Long Island. Our licensed and insured team brings three decades of specialized experience in the commercial sector, offering a level of expertise and dedication that is second to none. We are committed to understanding the specific needs of your building and implementing tailored solutions that ensure your chimney system is safe, efficient, and compliant with the latest regulations.

By selecting Certified Chimney, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re choosing a partner dedicated to the long-term well-being and operational excellence of your commercial establishment.
Commercial Chimney Services Westchester County, NY

Ready to Enhance Your Commercial Chimney System?

Elevate the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of your commercial chimney with the seasoned experts at Certified Chimney. Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive chimney service and discover cost-effective solutions designed to meet the unique demands of your business. Let’s work together to keep your establishment up to code and running smoothly.


See Why Homeowners Trust Certified Chimney